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The SailQuest Sailing School Scam by Captain Tim McMahon

Scam Alert : SailBreeze Has No Association with “SailQuest” or “Tim McMahon”

It was brought to our attention that Captain Tim McMahon of SailQuest Sailing School has been giving the impression on Google that Sailquest is SailBreeze.  This is NOT true.

Sailquest Scam by Tim McMahon
SailQuest Scam Alert Tim McMahon

It has now been brought to our attention that Tim McMahon's IYT Instructor License and his IYT Sailing School License have both been revoked.

SailQuest Sailing School Scam

Customers of Tim McMahon have complained to us about SailQuest, and brought this post on TripAdvisor to our attention:

SailQuest Scam Tim McMahon

Please take care when dealing with Tim McMahon of SailQuest.

IYT would also like to ask all  followers to please share this so we can get the word out that SailQuest is continuing to scam people by advertising that he is approved as an IYT school.

Please also note that SailBreeze is NOT in any way associated with Tim McMahon or SailQuest Sailing School.   Thank you for your support!

SailqQuest sailing school IYT action
SailQuest Scam by Tim McMahon

The false and unfounded allegations against SailBreeze in an attempt to diminish SailBreeze’s business prospects.

Please visit and click on this link for more information on these allegations.

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